Please search in PubMed using 'EIF2A[title] AND translation [title] AND human' Hgene Title PMID A0A0J9YYC4 . . AARS1 . . AARS2 . . AARSD1 . . ABCE1 Translation of ABCE1 Is Tightly Regulated by Upstream Open Reading Frames in Human Colorectal Cells 34440115 ABCF1 . . ABTB1 . . ACO1 . . AGO1 . . AGO2 Remodeling of Ago2-mRNA interactions upon cellular stress reflects miRNA complementarity and correlates with altered translation rates 23824327 AGO3 . . AGO4 . . AIMP1 Structure of the ArgRS-GlnRS-AIMP1 complex and its implications for mammalian translation 25288775 AIMP2 . . AIRE Regulation of human autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene translation by miR-220b 23954874 AKT1 Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Loss of Synaptic Akt1 Signaling Leads to Deficient Activity-Dependent Protein Translation Early in Alzheimer's Disease 28264587 AKT2 . . ALKBH1 ALKBH1-Mediated tRNA Demethylation Regulates Translation 27745969 ANG . . APEH . . APP Astrocytes deliver CK1 to neurons via extracellular vesicles in response to inflammation promoting the translation and amyloidogenic processing of APP 33408815 ASCC2 . . ASCC3 . . ASMT . . ATF4 Long non-coding RNA TINCR suppresses metastatic melanoma dissemination by preventing ATF4 translation 33586907 ATXN2 Repeat Associated Non-AUG Translation (RAN Translation) Dependent on Sequence Downstream of the ATXN2 CAG Repeat 26086378 BANK1 . . BARHL2 . . BCL3 Signal-dependent translation of a regulatory protein, Bcl-3, in activated human platelets 9576921 BOLL . . BTG2 . . BZW1 Alternative 3' UTR polyadenylation of Bzw1 transcripts display differential translation efficiency and tissue-specific expression 16690031 BZW2 . . C1QBP . . C8orf88 . . CALR . . CAPRIN1 Phospho-dependent phase separation of FMRP and CAPRIN1 recapitulates regulation of translation and deadenylation 31439799 CAPRIN2 . . CARS1 . . CARS2 . . CASC3 . . CCL5 CCL5 promotes proliferation of MCF-7 cells through mTOR-dependent mRNA translation 19607806 CD28 CD28 regulates the translation of Bcl-xL via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin pathway 15611240 CDC123 The eukaryotic translation initiation regulator CDC123 defines a divergent clade of ATP-grasp enzymes with a predicted role in novel protein modifications 25976611 CDK5RAP1 Cdk5rap1-mediated 2-methylthio modification of mitochondrial tRNAs governs protein translation and contributes to myopathy in mice and humans 25738458 CDKAL1 . . CELF1 Competition between RNA-binding proteins CELF1 and HuR modulates MYC translation and intestinal epithelium renewal 25808495 CELF4 CELF4 regulates translation and local abundance of a vast set of mRNAs, including genes associated with regulation of synaptic function 23209433 CIRBP . . CNBP CNBP regulates wing development in Drosophila melanogaster by promoting IRES-dependent translation of dMyc 24275942 CNOT1 ARE-binding protein ZFP36L1 interacts with CNOT1 to directly repress translation via a deadenylation-independent mechanism 32311426 CNOT10 . . CNOT11 . . CNOT6 . . CNOT7 . . CNOT9 . . COA3 . . COPS5 . . CPEB1 CPEB1 restrains proliferation of Glioblastoma cells through the regulation of p27(Kip1) mRNA translation 27142352 CPEB2 CPEB2-activated PDGFRα mRNA translation contributes to myofibroblast proliferation and pulmonary alveologenesis 32295602 CPEB3 PEB3-dowregulated Nr3c1 mRNA translation confers resilience to developing posttraumatic stress disorder-like behavior in fear-conditioned mice 33941859 CPEB4 . . CSDE1 . . CTIF Translation mediated by the nuclear cap-binding complex is confined to the perinuclear region via a CTIF-DDX19B interaction 34232997 CYFIP1 CYFIP1 coordinates mRNA translation and cytoskeleton remodeling to ensure proper dendritic spine formation 24050404 CYP1B1 . . DALRD3 . . DAPK1 . . DAPK3 . . DARS1 . . DARS2 . . DAZ1 . . DAZ2 . . DAZ3 . . DAZ4 . . DAZL Translation of the synaptonemal complex component Sycp3 is enhanced in vivo by the germ cell specific regulator Dazl 17526644 DCPS . . DDX1 . . DDX25 Cell-specific and hormone-regulated expression of gonadotropin-regulated testicular RNA helicase gene (GRTH/Ddx25) resulting from alternative utilization of translation initiation codons in the rat testis 12734186 DDX3X Medulloblastoma-associated mutations in the DEAD-box RNA helicase DDX3X/DED1 cause specific defects in translation 33460649 DDX6 DDX6 Orchestrates Mammalian Progenitor Function through the mRNA Degradation and Translation Pathways 26412305 DENR Cyclin B/CDK1 and Cyclin A/CDK2 phosphorylate DENR to promote mitotic protein translation and faithful cell division 35115540 DHFR . . DHPS . . DHX29 DHX29 and eIF3 cooperate in ribosomal scanning on structured mRNAs during translation initiation 27733651 DHX33 A 54-kDa short variant of DHX33 functions in regulating mRNA translation 30684270 DHX36 The RNA helicase DHX36-G4R1 modulates C9orf72 GGGGCC hexanucleotide repeat-associated translation 34174288 DHX9 The Host DHX9 DExH-Box Helicase Is Recruited to Chikungunya Virus Replication Complexes for Optimal Genomic RNA Translation 30463980 DIO2 . . DIS3L2 The Perlman syndrome DIS3L2 exoribonuclease safeguards endoplasmic reticulum-targeted mRNA translation and calcium ion homeostasis 32457326 DNAJC1 . . DNAJC24 . . DNAJC3 . . DND1 . . DPH1 . . DPH2 . . DPH3 . . DPH3P1 . . DPH5 . . DPH6 . . DPH7 . . DRD2 . . DRD3 . . DRD4 . . DRG1 . . DRG2 . . EARS2 . . EEF1A1 P21 activated kinase 4 binds translation elongation factor eEF1A1 to promote gastric cancer cell migration and invasion 28393218 EEF1A1P5 . . EEF1A2 Identification of therapeutics that target eEF1A2 and upregulate utrophin A translation in dystrophic muscles 32332749 EEF1B2 . . EEF1D Regulation of translation factor EEF1D gene function by alternative splicing 25686034 EEF1DP3 . . EEF1E1 Absence of somatic mutation of a tumor suppressor gene eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1, epsilon-1 (EEF1E1), in common human cancers 19024604 EEF1G . . EEF2 dentification and characterization of a novel evolutionarily conserved lysine-specific methyltransferase targeting eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2) 25231979 EEF2K eEF2K enhances expression of PD-L1 by promoting the translation of its mRNA 33094805 EEFSEC . . EFL1 . . EIF1 A network of eIF2β interactions with eIF1 and Met-tRNAi promotes accurate start codon selection by the translation preinitiation complex 30576497 EIF1AD . . EIF1AX Molecular network including eIF1AX, RPS7, and 14-3-3γ regulates protein translation and cell proliferation in bovine mammary epithelial cells 25281768 EIF1AY . . EIF1B . . EIF2A The Initiation Factors eIF2, eIF2A, eIF2D, eIF4A, and eIF4G Are Not Involved in Translation Driven by Hepatitis C Virus IRES in Human Cells 29487587 EIF2AK1 . . EIF2AK2 . . EIF2AK3 EIF2AK3, encoding translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3, is mutated in patients with Wolcott-Rallison syndrome 10932183 EIF2AK4 . . EIF2B1 . . EIF2B2 EIF2B2 mutations in vanishing white matter disease hypersuppress translation and delay recovery during the integrated stress response 29632131 EIF2B3 . . EIF2B4 . . EIF2B5 Expression profile of translation initiation factor eIF2B5 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and its correlation to clinical outcome 30190479 EIF2D A C. elegans model of C9orf72-associated ALS/FTD uncovers a conserved role for eIF2D in RAN translation 34654821 EIF2S1 Inhibition of the SEC61 translocon by mycolactone induces a protective autophagic response controlled by EIF2S1-dependent translation that does not require ULK1 activity 34424124 EIF2S2 . . EIF2S3 MEHMO syndrome mutation EIF2S3-I259M impairs initiator Met-tRNAiMet binding to eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF2 30517694 EIF2S3B . . EIF3A Dynamic eIF3a O-GlcNAcylation controls translation reinitiation during nutrient stress 34887587 EIF3B Translation initiation factor eIF3b expression in human cancer and its role in tumor growth and lung colonization 23575475 EIF3C Controlling tissue patterning by translational regulation of signaling transcripts through the core translation factor eIF3c 34752747 EIF3CL . . EIF3D A phosphorylation-regulated eIF3d translation switch mediates cellular adaptation to metabolic stress 33184215 EIF3E The Possible Role of Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 3 Subunit e (eIF3e) in the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Adenomyosis 29871559 EIF3F Estrogen receptor α promotes protein synthesis by fine-tuning the expression of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit f (eIF3f) 30573685 EIF3G Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit G (EIF3G) resensitized HCT116/5-Fu to 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu) via inhibition of MRP and MDR1 30214237 EIF3H Eukaryotic translation initiation factor EIF3H potentiates gastric carcinoma cell proliferation 30060823 EIF3I Engineered transient and stable overexpression of translation factors eIF3i and eIF3c in CHOK1 and HEK293 cells gives enhanced cell growth associated with increased c-Myc expression and increased recombinant protein synthesis 32061967 EIF3J Dual function of eIF3j/Hcr1p in processing 20 S pre-rRNA and translation initiation 11560931 EIF3K The translation initiation factor 3 subunit eIF3K interacts with PML and associates with PML nuclear bodies 24036361 EIF3L . . EIF3M . . EIF4A1 Target-Based Screening against eIF4A1 Reveals the Marine Natural Product Elatol as a Novel Inhibitor of Translation Initiation with In Vivo Antitumor Activity 29844128 EIF4A2 eIF4A2 drives repression of translation at initiation by Ccr4-Not through purine-rich motifs in the 5'UTR 31791371 EIF4A3 . . EIF4B eIF4B phosphorylation at Ser504 links synaptic activity with protein translation in physiology and pathology 28874824 EIF4E The Cap-Binding Complex CBC and the Eukaryotic Translation Factor eIF4E: Co-Conspirators in Cap-Dependent RNA Maturation and Translation 34944805 EIF4E1B . . EIF4E2 The eIF4E2-Directed Hypoxic Cap-Dependent Translation Machinery Reveals Novel Therapeutic Potential for Cancer Treatment 29317983 EIF4E3 Major splice variants and multiple polyadenylation site utilization in mRNAs encoding human translation initiation factors eIF4E1 and eIF4E3 regulate the translational regulators? 28942592 EIF4EBP1 . . EIF4EBP2 . . EIF4EBP3 . . EIF4ENIF1 . . EIF4G1 Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4 Gamma 1 (eIF4G1) is upregulated during Prostate cancer progression and modulates cell growth and metastasis 29748619 EIF4G2 eIF4G2 balances its own mRNA translation via a PCBP2-based feedback loop 31010886 EIF4G3 . . EIF4H A bimodal switch in global protein translation coupled to eIF4H relocalisation during advancing cell-cell transmission of herpes simplex virus 30028874 EIF5 Competition between translation initiation factor eIF5 and its mimic protein 5MP determines non-AUG initiation rate genome-wide 28981728 EIF5A eIF5A Functions Globally in Translation Elongation and Termination 28392174 EIF5A2 Expression of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-2 (eIF5A-2) associated with poor survival in gastric cancer 26282002 EIF5AL1 . . EIF5B eIF5B drives integrated stress response-dependent translation of PD-L1 in lung cancer 32984844 EIF6 Targeting of eIF6-driven translation induces a metabolic rewiring that reduces NAFLD and the consequent evolution to hepatocellular carcinoma 34385447 ELAVL1 hnRNPs and ELAVL1 cooperate with uORFs to inhibit protein translation 27789685 ELAVL4 . . ENC1 . . EPRS1 . . ERBB2 Exosome-mediated lncRNA AFAP1-AS1 promotes trastuzumab resistance through binding with AUF1 and activating ERBB2 translation 32020881 ETF1 Eukaryotic translation termination factor gene (ETF1/eRF1) maps at D5S500 in a commonly deleted region of chromosome 5q31 in malignant myeloid diseases 10773672 EXOSC7 . . EXOSC8 . . EXOSC9 . . FARS2 . . FARSA . . FARSB . . FASTKD2 FASTKD2 is an RNA-binding protein required for mitochondrial RNA processing and translation 26370583 FASTKD3 . . FMR1 DDX3X and specific initiation factors modulate FMR1 repeat-associated non-AUG-initiated translation 31347257 FOXO3 RNA-binding protein YTHDF3 suppresses interferon-dependent antiviral responses by promoting FOXO3 translation 30591559 FTO Loss of FTO in adipose tissue decreases Angptl4 translation and alters triglyceride metabolism 26671148 FTSJ1 Loss of Ftsj1 perturbs codon-specific translation efficiency in the brain and is associated with X-linked intellectual disability 33771871 FXR1 RNA-binding protein FXR1 drives cMYC translation by recruiting eIF4F complex to the translation start site 34731628 FXR2 . . GAPDH . . GARS1 . . GATB . . GATC . . GCN1 GCN1, a translational activator of GCN4 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is required for phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 by protein kinase GCN2 8497269 GEMIN5 Emerging Roles of Gemin5: From snRNPs Assembly to Translation Control 32485878 GFM1 . . GFM2 . . GIGYF2 GIGYF2 and 4EHP Inhibit Translation Initiation of Defective Messenger RNAs to Assist Ribosome-Associated Quality Control 32726578 GLE1 . . GRB7 . . GRM5 . . GSPT1 Translation Termination Factor GSPT1 Is a Phenotypically Relevant Off-Target of Heterobifunctional Phthalimide Degraders 29356495 GSPT2 Evolution of translation termination factor eRF3: is GSPT2 generated by retrotransposition of GSPT1's mRNA? 16754297 GTPBP1 . . GTPBP2 . . GUF1 . . GZMB . . H0YIV9 . . HABP4 . . HARS1 . . HARS2 . . HBS1L . . HNRNPD LANA and hnRNP A1 Regulate the Translation of LANA mRNA through G-Quadruplexes 31723020 HNRNPU . . HSPB1 Unphosphorylated HSP27 (HSPB1) regulates the translation initiation process via a direct association with eIF4E in osteoblasts 26151374 IARS1 . . IARS2 . . IGF2BP1 IGF2BP1 Significantly Enhances Translation Efficiency of Duck Hepatitis A Virus Type 1 without Affecting Viral Replication 31658691 IGF2BP2 Long noncoding RNA Airn protects podocytes from diabetic nephropathy lesions via binding to Igf2bp2 and facilitating translation of Igf2 and Lamb2 32437062 IGF2BP3 IGF2BP3-mediated translation in cell protrusions promotes cell invasiveness and metastasis of pancreatic cancer 25216519 IGFBP5 . . IGHMBP2 Impaired Local Translation of β-actin mRNA in Ighmbp2-Deficient Motoneurons: Implications for Spinal Muscular Atrophy with respiratory Distress (SMARD1) 29928949 IL6 Interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10 induce decorin mRNA in endothelial cells, but interaction with fibrillar collagen is essential for its translation 15016829 ILF3 . . IMPACT . . INPP5E . . IREB2 . . ITGA2 . . JMJD4 . . KARS1 . . KBTBD8 . . KHDRBS1 . . KHSRP . . KLHL25 . . KRT17 . . LARP1 Global analysis of LARP1 translation targets reveals tunable and dynamic features of 5' TOP motifs 32094190 LARP1B . . LARP4 . . LARP4B LARP4B is an AU-rich sequence associated factor that promotes mRNA accumulation and translation 26001795 LARP6 Binding of LARP6 to the conserved 5' stem-loop regulates translation of mRNAs encoding type I collagen 19917293 LARS1 . . LARS2 Genomic sequencing highlights the diverse molecular causes of Perrault syndrome: a peroxisomal disorder (PEX6), metabolic disorders (CLPP, GGPS1), and mtDNA maintenance/translation disorders (LARS2, TFAM) 32399598 LIN28A . . LRPPRC LRPPRC is necessary for polyadenylation and coordination of translation of mitochondrial mRNAs 22045337 LRRC47 . . LSM14A . . LSM14B . . LTN1 . . LTO1 . . M0R2C6 . . MAGOH . . MALSU1 . . MAPKAPK5 . . MARS1 . . MARS2 . . MCTS1 DENR-MCTS1 heterodimerization and tRNA recruitment are required for translation reinitiation 29889857 MCTS2P . . METAP1 . . METTL14 NSUN2-Mediated m5C Methylation and METTL3/METTL14-Mediated m6A Methylation Cooperatively Enhance p21 Translation 28247949 METTL16 . . METTL17 Mettl17, a regulator of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA modifications, is required for the translation of mitochondrial coding genes 31487196 METTL18 . . METTL3 New insight into the catalytic -dependent and -independent roles of METTL3 in sustaining aberrant translation in chronic myeloid leukemia 34561421 METTL5 The METTL5-TRMT112 N 6-methyladenosine methyltransferase complex regulates mRNA translation via 18S rRNA methylation 35033535 MEX3D . . MIF4GD INT6 interacts with MIF4GD/SLIP1 and is necessary for efficient histone mRNA translation 22532700 MKNK1 FLI1 promotes protein translation via the transcriptional regulation of MKNK1 expression 31894299 MKNK2 . . MOV10 APOBEC3G inhibits microRNA-mediated repression of translation by interfering with the interaction between Argonaute-2 and MOV10 22791714 MPV17L2 . . MRPL10 . . MRPL11 . . MRPL13 . . MRPL16 . . MRPL18 . . MRPL2 . . MRPL23 . . MRPL24 . . MRPL27 . . MRPL28 . . MRPL3 . . MRPL32 . . MRPL34 . . MRPL35 . . MRPL36 . . MRPL37 . . MRPL41 . . MRPL42 . . MRPL43 . . MRPL44 Pathogenic variants in MRPL44 cause infantile cardiomyopathy due to a mitochondrial translation defect 34140213 MRPL47 . . MRPL51 . . MRPL52 . . MRPL55 . . MRPL57 . . MRPL58 . . MRPL9 . . MRPS11 . . MRPS12 . . MRPS14 . . MRPS15 . . MRPS16 Defective mitochondrial translation caused by a ribosomal protein (MRPS16) mutation 15505824 MRPS17 . . MRPS18A . . MRPS18B . . MRPS18C . . MRPS2 . . MRPS21 . . MRPS24 . . MRPS27 MRPS27 is a pentatricopeptide repeat domain protein required for the translation of mitochondrially encoded proteins 22841715 MRPS28 . . MRPS33 . . MRPS34 . . MRPS5 . . MRPS6 . . MRPS7 . . MRRF . . MTFMT Mutations in MTFMT underlie a human disorder of formylation causing impaired mitochondrial translation 21907147 MTG1 Human G-proteins, ObgH1 and Mtg1, associate with the large mitochondrial ribosome subunit and are involved in translation and assembly of respiratory complexes 23396448 MTG2 . . MTIF2 The human mitochondrial translation initiation factor 2 gene (MTIF2): transcriptional analysis and identification of a pseudogene 12932832 MTIF3 . . MTOR mTOR-dependent translation amplifies microglia priming in aging mice 33108356 MTPN . MTRES1 . . MTRF1 . . MTRF1L . . MTRFR . . NANOS1 Maternal Dead-end 1 promotes translation of nanos1 by binding the eIF3 complex 28870987 NANOS2 . . NANOS3 . . NARS1 . . NARS2 . . NAT10 . . NCBP1 . . NCBP2 . . NCK1 Nck-1 antagonizes the endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced inhibition of translation 14676213 NCK2 . . NCL . . NDUFA7 . . NEMF . . NEURL1 . . NGDN . . NGRN . . NIBAN1 . . NOA1 . . NOLC1 . . NPM1 . . NSUN3 NSUN3 and ABH1 modify the wobble position of mt-tRNAMet to expand codon recognition in mitochondrial translation 27497299 NSUN5 . . OGFOD1 The ribosomal prolyl-hydroxylase OGFOD1 decreases during cardiac differentiation and modulates translation and splicing 31112528 PA2G4 . . PABPC1 Domain-functional analyses of PIWIL1 and PABPC1 indicate their synergistic roles in protein translation via 3'-UTRs of meiotic mRNAs 29701755 PABPC4 . . PADI6 . . PAIP1 Murine PAIP1 stimulates translation of spermiogenic mRNAs stored by YBX2 via its interaction with YBX2† 30295753 PAIP2 Polyadenylate-binding protein-interacting proteins PAIP1 and PAIP2 affect translation termination 30992367 PAIP2B Regulation of poly(A) binding protein function in translation: Characterization of the Paip2 homolog, Paip2B 16804161 PARS2 . . PASK . . PATL2 . . PCIF1 . . PDE12 PDE12 removes mitochondrial RNA poly(A) tails and controls translation in human mitochondria 21666256 PDF . . PELO . . PER1 . . PER2 . . PINK1 Cytosolic PINK1 orchestrates protein translation during proteasomal stress by phosphorylating the translation elongation factor eEF1A1 33354788 PIWIL1 Domain-functional analyses of PIWIL1 and PABPC1 indicate their synergistic roles in protein translation via 3'-UTRs of meiotic mRNAs 29701755 PIWIL2 . . PIWIL3 . . PIWIL4 . . PKM . . PLD1 . . PLEKHN1 . . PLXNB2 . . PNPT1 . . POLDIP3 . . POLR2D . . POLR2G . . PPP1CA . . PPP1R15A . . PPP1R15B Homozygous mutation in the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha phosphatase gene, PPP1R15B, is associated with severe microcephaly, short stature and intellectual disability 26307080 PRG3 . . PRKDC . . PRR16 . . PSTK . . PTAFR . . PTCD3 . . PTK2B . . PUM1 PUM1 represses CDKN1B translation and contributes to prostate cancer progression 34531333 PUM2 P2P-R expression is genetically coregulated with components of the translation machinery and with PUM2, a translational repressor that associates with the P2P-R mRNA 15617101 PUM3 . . PURA . . PUS7 PUS7 deficiency in human patients causes profound neurodevelopmental phenotype by dysregulating protein translation 35144859 PYM1 . . QARS1 . . QKI . . QRSL1 . . RACK1 Ribosomal protein RACK1 enhances translation of poliovirus and other viral IRESs 32308198 RARA . . RARS1 . . RARS2 . . RBM24 RBM24 stabilizes hepatitis B virus pregenomic RNA but inhibits core protein translation by targeting the terminal redundancy sequence 29760415 RBM3 Translation regulatory factor RBM3 is a proto-oncogene that prevents mitotic catastrophe 18427544 RBM4 G-Quadruplex Regulation of VEGFA mRNA Translation by RBM4 35054929 RBM4B . . RBM8A . . RC3H1 . . RC3H2 . . RCC1L . . RGS2 . . RHOA RhoA regulates translation of the Nogo-A decoy SPARC in white matter-invading glioblastomas 31062076 RIDA . . RMND1 A known pathogenic variant in the essential mitochondrial translation gene RMND1 causes a Perrault-like syndrome with renal defects 29671881 RNF139 . . ROCK1 . . ROCK2 . . RPL10 The ribosomal RPL10 R98S mutation drives IRES-dependent BCL-2 translation in T-ALL 29930300 RPL10A . . RPL10L . . RPL11 Loss of tumor suppressor RPL5/RPL11 does not induce cell cycle arrest but impedes proliferation due to reduced ribosome content and translation capacity 24061479 RPL12 Phosphorylation of the Ribosomal Protein RPL12/uL11 Affects Translation during Mitosis 30220558 RPL13 . . RPL13A . . RPL13AP3 . . RPL14 . . RPL15 . . RPL17 . . RPL18 . . RPL18A . . RPL19 . . RPL21 . . RPL22 . . RPL22L1 . . RPL23 . . RPL23A . . RPL24 . . RPL26 p73 expression is regulated by ribosomal protein RPL26 through mRNA translation and protein stability 27825141 RPL26L1 . . RPL27 . . RPL27A . . RPL28 . . RPL29 . . RPL3 . . RPL30 . . RPL31 . . RPL32 . . RPL34 . . RPL35 . . RPL35A . . RPL36 . . RPL36A . . RPL36AL The CCA-end of P-tRNA Contacts Both the Human RPL36AL and the A-site Bound Translation Termination Factor eRF1 at the Peptidyl Transferase Center of the Human 80S Ribosome 25191528 RPL37 . . RPL37A . . RPL37AP8 . . RPL38 . . RPL39 . . RPL39L . . RPL39P5 . . RPL3L . . RPL4 . . RPL41 . . RPL5 Loss of tumor suppressor RPL5/RPL11 does not induce cell cycle arrest but impedes proliferation due to reduced ribosome content and translation capacity 24061479 RPL6 . . RPL7 . . RPL7A . . RPL8 . . RPL9 . . RPLP0 . . RPLP0P6 . . RPLP1 . . RPLP2 . . RPS10 Cancer-Associated Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 1A Mutants Impair Rps3 and Rps10 Binding and Enhance Scanning of Cell Cycle Genes 30420357 RPS11 . . RPS12 . . RPS13 . . RPS14 Integrated analyses of translatome and proteome identify the rules of translation selectivity in RPS14-deficient cells 32327500 RPS15 RPS15 mutations rewire RNA translation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia 34251413 RPS15A . . RPS16 Rps5-Rps16 communication is essential for efficient translation initiation in yeast S. cerevisiae 24948608 RPS17 . . RPS18 . . RPS19 . . RPS2 . . RPS20 . . RPS21 Down-regulation of RpS21, a putative translation initiation factor interacting with P40, produces viable minute imagos and larval lethality with overgrown hematopoietic organs and imaginal discs 10022917 RPS23 OGFOD1 catalyzes prolyl hydroxylation of RPS23 and is involved in translation control and stress granule formation 24550447 RPS24 . . RPS25 RPS25 is required for efficient RAN translation of C9orf72 and other neurodegenerative disease-associated nucleotide repeats 31358992 RPS26 . . RPS26P11 . . RPS27 Conservation of multifunctional ribosomal protein metallopanstimulin-1 (RPS27) through complex evolution demonstrates its key role in growth regulation in Archaea, eukaryotic cells, DNA repair, translation and viral replication 21518817 RPS27A . . RPS27AP5 . . RPS27L . . RPS28 . . RPS29 . . RPS3 uS3/Rps3 controls fidelity of translation termination and programmed stop codon readthrough in co-operation with eIF3 31642471 RPS3A . . RPS4X . . RPS4Y1 . . RPS4Y2 . . RPS5 The β-hairpin of 40S exit channel protein Rps5/uS7 promotes efficient and accurate translation initiation in vivo 26134896 RPS6 IL-3 Maintains Activation of the p90S6K/RPS6 Pathway and Increases Translation in Human Eosinophils 26276876 RPS6KA1 . . RPS6KA3 . . RPS6KB1 . . RPS6KB2 . . RPS7 Molecular network including eIF1AX, RPS7, and 14-3-3γ regulates protein translation and cell proliferation in bovine mammary epithelial cells 25281768 RPS8 CDK11p46 and RPS8 associate with each other and suppress translation in a synergistic manner 21371428 RPS9 . . RPSA . . RPUSD3 . . RPUSD4 . . RRBP1 La Autoantigen Induces Ribosome Binding Protein 1 (RRBP1) Expression through Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES)-Mediated Translation during Cellular Stress Condition 27447629 RSL24D1 . . RWDD1 . . SAMD4A . . SARNP . . SARS1 . . SARS2 . . SECISBP2 . . SECISBP2L . . SELENOT . . SEPSECS . . SERP1 . . SESN2 . . SHFL . . SHMT1 . . SHMT2 Serine Catabolism by SHMT2 Is Required for Proper Mitochondrial Translation Initiation and Maintenance of Formylmethionyl-tRNAs 29452640 SLBP . . SOX4 . . SRBD1 . . SRP9 A highly conserved nucleotide in the Alu domain of SRP RNA mediates translation arrest through high affinity binding to SRP9/14 9092618 STAT3 FMRP regulates STAT3 mRNA localization to cellular protrusions and local translation to promote hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis 33972660 SYNCRIP SYNCRIP, a component of dendritically localized mRNPs, binds to the translation regulator BC200 RNA 18045242 TACO1 . . TARBP2 . . TARDBP . . TARS1 . . TARS2 . . TARS3 . . TCOF1 . . TENT4A . . TENT4B . . TENT5B . . THBS1 . . TIA1 Tia1 dependent regulation of mRNA subcellular location and translation controls p53 expression in B cells 28904350 TMED2 . . TNF TNF-alpha increases protein content in C2C12 and primary myotubes by enhancing protein translation via the TNF-R1, PI3K, and MEK 17971516 TNIP1 . . TNRC6A . . TNRC6B . . TNRC6C . . TOB1 . . TPR . . TRAP1 . . TRIM71 . . TRIP4 . . TRMT10C . . TRNAU1AP . . TRUB2 . . TSC1 TSC1 sets the rate of ribosome export and protein synthesis through nucleophosmin translation 17308101 TSFM Novel compound mutations in the mitochondrial translation elongation factor (TSFM) gene cause severe cardiomyopathy with myocardial fibro-adipose replacement 30911037 TUFM Autophagy-competent mitochondrial translation elongation factor TUFM inhibits caspase-8-mediated apoptosis 34511600 TUT4 . . TUT7 . . TYMS . . UBA52 . . UCN The RNA methyltransferase METTL8 installs m 3 C 32 in mitochondrial tRNAs Thr/Ser(UCN) to optimise tRNA structure and mitochondrial translation 35017528 UHMK1 . . UNK . . UPF1 Divergent effects of translation termination factor eRF3A and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay factor UPF1 on the expression of uORF carrying mRNAs and ribosome protein genes 31619139 UPF3A . . UPF3B Dual function of UPF3B in early and late translation termination 28899899 UQCC2 . . USP16 . . VARS1 . . VARS2 . . VIM . . WARS1 . . WARS2 . . XRN1 Coordinated destruction of cellular messages in translation complexes by the gammaherpesvirus host shutoff factor and the mammalian exonuclease Xrn1 22046136 YARS1 . . YARS2 . . YBX1 YBX1 mediates translation of oncogenic transcripts to control cell competition in AML 34465866 YBX2 Position-dependent interactions of Y-box protein 2 (YBX2) with mRNA enable mRNA storage in round spermatids by repressing mRNA translation and blocking translation-dependent mRNA decay 26773323 YBX3 . . YTHDF1 HIF-1α-induced expression of m6A reader YTHDF1 drives hypoxia-induced autophagy and malignancy of hepatocellular carcinoma by promoting ATG2A and ATG14 translation 33619246 YTHDF2 PBRM1 Cooperates with YTHDF2 to Control HIF-1α Protein Translation 34200988 YTHDF3 YTHDF3 Induces the Translation of m 6 A-Enriched Gene Transcripts to Promote Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis 33125861 ZAR1 . . ZAR1L . . ZC3H12A . . ZC3H12D . . ZC3H15 . . ZCCHC13 . . ZCCHC4 . . ZFP36 . . ZFP36L1 ARE-binding protein ZFP36L1 interacts with CNOT1 to directly repress translation via a deadenylation-independent mechanism 32311426 ZFP36L2 . . ZNF385A . . ZNF540 . . ZNF598 . . ZNF706 . .