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Center for Computational Systems Medicine

Kinase Fusion Gene Summary


Kinase Fusion Gene Sample Information


Kinase Fusion ORF Analysis


Kinase Fusion Amino Acid Sequences


Multiple Sequence Alignment of All Fusion Protein Isoforms


Kinase Fusion Protein Functional Features


Kinase Fusion Protein Structures


Comparison of Fusion Protein Isoforms


Comparison of Fusion Protein Sequences/Structures with Known Sequences/Structures from PDB


pLDDT Scores and Difference Analysis of pLDDT Scores Between the Active Sites (Best) and Non-Active Sites.


Ramachandran Plot of Kinase Fusion Protein Structure


Potential Active Site Information


Virtual Screening Results


Kinase-Substrate Information


Related Drugs with This Kinase Fusion Protein


Related Disease with This Kinase Fusion Protein


Clinical Trials of the Found Drugs/Small Molecules

Kinase Fusion Gene:CSNK1G3_HTN3

Kinase Fusion Protein Summary

check button Kinase Fusion gene summary
Kinase Fusion partner gene informationKinase Fusion gene name: CSNK1G3_HTN3
KinaseFusionDB ID: KFG1533
FusionGDB2.0 ID: KFG1533
Gene symbol



Gene ID



Gene namecasein kinase 1 gamma 3histatin 3
SynonymsCKI-gamma 3|CSNK1G3LHIS2|HTN2|HTN5|Hst 3|PB



Type of geneprotein-codingprotein-coding
Descriptioncasein kinase I isoform gamma-3casein kinase Ihistatin-3basic histidine-rich proteinhistatin-4histatin-5histatin-6histatin-7histatin-8histatin-9histidine-rich protein 3
Modification date2024030520240305



Ensembl transtripts involved in fusion geneENST idsENST00000345990, ENST00000360683, 
ENST00000361991, ENST00000395411, 
ENST00000395412, ENST00000508708, 
ENST00000510842, ENST00000511130, 
ENST00000512718, ENST00000521364, 
ENST00000381057, ENST00000526767, 
Context (manual curation of fusion genes in KinaseFusionDB)

PubMed: CSNK1G3 [Title/Abstract] AND HTN3 [Title/Abstract] AND fusion [Title/Abstract]

Most frequent breakpoint (based on all fusion genes of FusionGDB 2.0)CSNK1G3(122937737)-HTN3(70894176), # samples:1
check button Gene ontology of each fusion partner gene with evidence of Inferred from Direct Assay (IDA) from Entrez
PartnerGeneGO IDGO termPubMed ID


positive regulation of wound healing


check buttonKinase Fusion gene breakpoints across CSNK1G3 (5'-gene)
* Click on the image to open the UCSC genome browser with custom track showing this image in a new window.

check buttonKinase Fusion gene breakpoints across HTN3 (3'-gene)
* Click on the image to open the UCSC genome browser with custom track showing this image in a new window.


Kinase Fusion Gene Sample Information

check buttonKinase Fusion gene information.
check button Kinase Fusion gene information from four resources (ChiTars 5.0, ChimerDB 4.0, COSMIC, and CCLE)
* All genome coordinats were lifted-over on hg19.
* Click on the break point to see the gene structure around the break point region using the UCSC Genome Browser.





Kinase Fusion ORF Analysis

check buttonKinase Fusion information from ORFfinder translation from full-length transcript sequence from KinaseFusionDB.
HenstTenstHgeneHchrHbpTgeneTchrTbpSeq length
Seq length
(amino acids)


Kinase Fusion Amino Acid Sequences

check button For individual full-length fusion transcript sequence from KinaseFusionDB, we ran ORFfinder and chose the longest ORF among the all predicted ones.
>Henst_Tenst_Hgene_Hchr_Hbp_Tgene_Tchr_Tbp_length(fusion AA)_AAseq

Multiple Sequence Alignment of All Fusion Protein Isoforms


Kinase Fusion Protein Functional Features

check button Four levels of functional features of fusion genes
Go to FGviewer search page for the most frequent breakpoint (https://ccsmweb.uth.edu/FGviewer/:122937737/:70894176)
- FGviewer provides the online visualization of the retention search of the protein functional features across DNA, RNA, protein, and pathological levels.
- How to search
1. Put your fusion gene symbol.
2. Press the tab key until there will be shown the breakpoint information filled.
4. Go down and press 'Search' tab twice.
4. Go down to have the hyperlink of the search result.
5. Click the hyperlink.
6. See the FGviewer result for your fusion gene.

check buttonMain function of each fusion partner protein. (from UniProt)




FUNCTION: Serine/threonine-protein kinase. Casein kinases are operationally defined by their preferential utilization of acidic proteins such as caseins as substrates. It can phosphorylate a large number of proteins. Participates in Wnt signaling. Regulates fast synaptic transmission mediated by glutamate (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.FUNCTION: Histatins are cationic and histidine-rich peptides mainly found in the saliva of higher primates (PubMed:3286634). They are considered to be major precursors of the protective proteinaceous structure on tooth surfaces (enamel pellicle). Hsts can be divided into two major groups according to their biological functions: antimicrobial Hsts (e.g. Hst 5/HTN3) and cell-activating Hsts (e.g. Hst 1/HTN1, Hst 2/HTN1 and Hst 3/HTN3) (PubMed:32225006). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:32225006, ECO:0000269|PubMed:3286634}.; FUNCTION: [Histatin-3]: Histatin 3 (Hst 3) is mostly involved in cell migration and wound healing in the oral cavity (PubMed:18650243). Also stimulates cell proliferation after binding to heat shock protein HSC70, which enhances HSC70-CDKN1B complex formation and subsequent ubiquitination during G1/S transition (PubMed:26775844). Also displays antifungal activity against pathogenic yeast Candida albicans, however with less effectiveness than Hst 5 (PubMed:3286634, PubMed:11083804). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11083804, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18650243, ECO:0000269|PubMed:26775844, ECO:0000269|PubMed:3286634}.; FUNCTION: [His3-(20-43)-peptide]: Histatin 5 (Hst 5), a fragment of Hst 3, is the major histatin exhibiting antifungal and antibacterial activities (PubMed:2372245, PubMed:8945538, PubMed:10066791, PubMed:11083804, PubMed:11179305, PubMed:11717389, PubMed:12939362, PubMed:15485849). It is effective against pathogenic yeast C. albicans, C. neoformans, C. glabrata and S. cerevisiae as well as ESKAPE bacterial pathogens (PubMed:2372245, PubMed:8945538, PubMed:18974864, PubMed:23613860, PubMed:28261570). Secreted Hst 5 mediates a multi-step intracellular mechanism of action against the pathogen. Depending on peptide concentration and pathogen, uptake across the membrane can occur through transporters, direct interaction with plasma membrane and/or receptor-mediated endocytosis (PubMed:18974864, PubMed:20487276, PubMed:28261570). Binds C. albicans cell wall proteins SSA1 and SSA2 and glycans in an energy-independent manner, then is taken up by the cells through fungal polyamine transporters DUR3 and DUR31 in an energy-dependent manner (PubMed:12761219, PubMed:20487276, PubMed:22033918, PubMed:23613860). Internalized Hst5 is then targeted to the energized mitochondrion to induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and subsequent release of intracellular non-lytic ATP which ultimately leads to fungal cell death (PubMed:10066791, PubMed:11717389, PubMed:11083804). In addition, inhibits C. albicans TRK1 potassium-transporter which causes exudation of intracellular K(+), generating an osmotic imbalance leading to delayed membrane lysis and cell death (PubMed:15485849). Also acts as a potent inhibitor of bacterial proteases such as Lys-gingipain and Arg-gingipain (rgpB) from P. gingivalis as well as human metalloproteases MMP2 and MMP9 (PubMed:11179305). The binding of metals such as zinc, copper or nickel with Hst 5 results in the protection of the enamel and antimicrobial activities such as the inhibition of microbial growth by decreasing the metal concentration, the formation of ROS commonly associated with redox-active metals, the induction of membrane disruption mediated by zinc binding (PubMed:19846304, PubMed:28261570, PubMed:28763199, PubMed:32751915). Also involved in coating oral surfaces in the form of a salivary film which reduces colonization by C. albicans on epithelial cell surfaces (PubMed:26379655). Secreted Hst 5 can also internalize mammalian epithelial cells and target the mitochondria although it does not exert cytotoxic effects in these cells (PubMed:32225006). In contrast with Hst 3, not able to promote wound healing in mammalian host cells (PubMed:18650243). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:10066791, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11083804, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11179305, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11717389, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12761219, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12939362, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15485849, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18650243, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18974864, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19846304, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20487276, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22033918, ECO:0000269|PubMed:23613860, ECO:0000269|PubMed:2372245, ECO:0000269|PubMed:26379655, ECO:0000269|PubMed:28261570, ECO:0000269|PubMed:28763199, ECO:0000269|PubMed:32225006, ECO:0000269|PubMed:32751915, ECO:0000269|PubMed:8945538}.

check buttonRetention analysis result of each fusion partner protein across 39 protein features of UniProt such as six molecule processing features, 13 region features, four site features, six amino acid modification features, two natural variation features, five experimental info features, and 3 secondary structure features. Here, because of limited space for viewing, we only show the protein feature retention information belong to the 13 regional features. All retention annotation result can be downloaded at

download page

* Minus value of BPloci means that the break pointn is located before the CDS.

check button - Retained domain in the 5'-partner of fusion protein (protein functional feature from UniProt).
PartnerHgeneeneHbpTgeneeneTbpENSTBPexonTotalExonProtein feature lociBPlociTotalLenFeatureNote

check button - Retained domain in the 3'-partner of fusion protein (protein functional feature from UniProt).
PartnerHgeneeneHbpTgeneeneTbpENSTBPexonTotalExonProtein feature lociBPlociTotalLenFeatureNote


Kinase-Substrate Information of CSNK1G3_HTN3

check button Phosphorylation target of the kinase
(phosphosite, 03-17-2024)
KinaseKinase UniProt AccKinase speciesSubstrateSubstrate UniProt AccSubstrate phosphorylated residuesSubstrate phosphorylated sites (+/-7AA)Domain

check button Biological Network Integration of This Kinase and Substrates
(GeneMANIA website)

check button Enriched GO biological processes of the phosphorylation target genes of the kinase
KinaseGOIDGO termP.adjust
CSNK1G3GO:0006469negative regulation of protein kinase activity3.26e-04
CSNK1G3GO:0033673negative regulation of kinase activity3.26e-04
CSNK1G3GO:0051348negative regulation of transferase activity3.45e-04
CSNK1G3GO:0071900regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity5.13e-04
CSNK1G3GO:0001933negative regulation of protein phosphorylation5.13e-04
CSNK1G3GO:0042326negative regulation of phosphorylation5.32e-04
CSNK1G3GO:0045936negative regulation of phosphate metabolic process6.12e-04
CSNK1G3GO:0010563negative regulation of phosphorus metabolic process6.12e-04
CSNK1G3GO:0031400negative regulation of protein modification process8.49e-04
CSNK1G3GO:0043086negative regulation of catalytic activity1.01e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0140029exocytic process2.95e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0051279regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol2.95e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0071901negative regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity3.96e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0051209release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol6.20e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0051283negative regulation of sequestering of calcium ion6.20e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0051282regulation of sequestering of calcium ion6.20e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0051208sequestering of calcium ion6.20e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0010950positive regulation of endopeptidase activity6.97e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0010952positive regulation of peptidase activity7.80e-03
CSNK1G3GO:1903169regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport7.80e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0017157regulation of exocytosis8.86e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0097553calcium ion transmembrane import into cytosol9.84e-03
CSNK1G3GO:0045055regulated exocytosis1.15e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0051651maintenance of location in cell1.20e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0002274myeloid leukocyte activation1.20e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0051924regulation of calcium ion transport1.25e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0006898receptor-mediated endocytosis1.27e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0052548regulation of endopeptidase activity1.52e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0006874intracellular calcium ion homeostasis1.59e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0015850organic hydroxy compound transport1.59e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0052547regulation of peptidase activity1.59e-02
CSNK1G3GO:1904062regulation of monoatomic cation transmembrane transport1.59e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0055074calcium ion homeostasis1.64e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0032496response to lipopolysaccharide1.64e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0045862positive regulation of proteolysis1.64e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0051235maintenance of location1.64e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0070588calcium ion transmembrane transport1.64e-02
CSNK1G3GO:1990778protein localization to cell periphery1.64e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0002237response to molecule of bacterial origin1.75e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0010959regulation of metal ion transport1.81e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0050727regulation of inflammatory response1.81e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0043434response to peptide hormone1.81e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0009410response to xenobiotic stimulus1.81e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0060368regulation of Fc receptor mediated stimulatory signaling pathway1.81e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0060397growth hormone receptor signaling pathway via JAK-STAT1.81e-02
CSNK1G3GO:1901856negative regulation of cellular respiration1.81e-02
CSNK1G3GO:1905245regulation of aspartic-type peptidase activity1.81e-02
CSNK1G3GO:0006816calcium ion transport1.81e-02


Related Drugs to CSNK1G3_HTN3

check button Drugs used for this fusion-positive patient.
(Manual curation of PubMed, 04-30-2022 + MyCancerGenome)

check button Distribution of the number of studies mentioning CSNK1G3-HTN3 and kinase inhibitors the PubMed Abstract (04-01-2024)

Fusion gene - drug pair 1Fusion gene - drug pair 2PMIDPublication dateDOIStudy title


Related Diseases to CSNK1G3_HTN3

check button Diseases that have this fusion gene.
(Manual curation of PubMed, 04-30-2022 + MyCancerGenome)

check button Related diseases from the literature mentioned this fusion gene and drug.
(PubMed, 04-01-2024)
MeSH IDMeSH term

check button Diseases associated with fusion partners.
(DisGeNet 4.0)
PartnerGeneDisease IDDisease name# pubmedsSource


Clinical Trials of the Found Drugs/Small Molecules

check button Statistics of the Clinical Trials of the Found Kinase Inibitors from clinicaltrials.gov (06-17-2024)

check button Clinical Trials from clinicaltrials.gov (06-17-2024)

Fusion GeneKinase InhibitorNCT IDStudy StatusPhasesDisease# EnrolmentDate