Fusion Gene Studies
in Kim Lab

FusionBase FusionGDB FusionGDB2 FusionPDB FusionPub KinaseFusionDB FusionNeoAntigen FusionAI FusionAI protocol FusionNW FGviewer FusionScan Fusion gene & MMEJ Predict fusion protein 3D structure Publication Contact
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bullet point About FusionBase
* FusionBase aims to serve as the base camp for understanding DNA breakage and coded structural variants, annotating the potential function of fusion genes/proteins, developing therapeutics targeting human fusion genes/proteins, clinical assessment of fusion genes/proteins, and distributing knowledge of fusion genes/proteins in diverse aspects including biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and biomedical information. From the DNA breakpoint information, until we identify fusion-specific targeting therapeutics, we will continue to study this field with our knowledge and experiences with omnidirectional bioinformatics studies and serve diverse biology research fields.

bullet point News

*03/19/2025 - Corrected an error of the fusion mRNA/protein sequence length.
*02/12/2025 - These we are working on developing FusionGDB3. It will have up-to-date fusion gene breakpoints with more diverse functional annotation.
* 02/12/2025 - We release FusionPub: Therapeutic Landscape of Human Fusion Gene. Try to search your fusion gene to know all previous studies on targeting your fusion gene.
* 07/11/2024 - We provide 'Gene assessment score in pan-cancer fusion genes' information in the Download page of FusionGDB2. This file provides the individual human genes' potential impact assessment in pan-cancer fusion genes with our made scoreing methods.
* 07/11/2024 - We start to use new FusionGDB ID system for FusionGDB 2.0. The ID format is 'hg' + 5'-gene's NCBI gene ID + 'tg'+ 3'-gene's NCI gene ID. For example, the new FusionGDB ID of 'BCR-ABL1' is 'hg613tg25'. We also show all fusion gene information of the searched fusion gene considering all gene synonyms for each annotation category.
* 06/26/2024 - We moved our web server to the Cloudflare WAF system. It affects the loading time of our web pages. We will try to fix this issue. Please understand the situation.
* 04/30/2024 - We are making a new FusionGDB ID system from FusionGDB 2.0. All annotations are the same, but the ID will be different. It will be updated soon.
* 03/24/2022 - We have finished adding the curated fusion gene information (ChimerKB4) and following annotations into FusionGDB 2.0.

bullet point Consults/Collaborators
* Dr. Sanghyuk Lee, Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea
* Dr. Xiaobo Zhou, Professor, Department of Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine, McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA
* Dr. Wenshe Liu, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
* Dr. Yoon-La Choi, Associate Professor of Pathology, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Samsung Medical center, Seoul, South Korea