Fusion Gene Studies
in Kim Lab

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About FusionNeoAntigen

Tumor neoantigens are critical components of cancer immunotherapies. Among these neoantigens, those derived from single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) and insertions or deletions (Indels) have been the most frequently studied. However, gene fusions are also valuable sources of tumor neoantigens due to their ability to generate new open reading frames (ORFs). Compared to SNV and Indel neoantigens, fusion gene neoantigens are generally more immunogenic, have multiple targets per mutation, and are more widely distributed across various cancer types. As a consequence, they constitute a crucial type of tumor neoantigen and are increasingly being targeted for cancer immunotherapies. In addition, fusion gene neoantigens have multiple applications, including serving as prognostic biomarkers of immune checkpoint blockade, and in the development of tumor vaccines, and adoptive cell therapies. As the only resource that provides the potential neoantigens, FusionNeoAntigen will help develop the immunotherapeutic of fusion-positive patients and enhance our understanding of new proteins’ mechanisms of action with new knowledge. Fusionscreen pipeline

bullet pointSearch
1. Input your interested gene and click the search button.
2. Next page: Click your interested fusion gene among the all fusion gene list that has your interested gene as one of the partners in the fusion genes.
3. Next page: See all the details of the fusion-specific neoantigen of your interested fusion gene.

Examples: Gene symbol: ERG or ALK or ABL1
bullet pointBrowse by important cellular gene groups of Level1 fusion proteins
: 43K fusion proteins from 16K in-frame fusion genes
: You can have the information of fusion gene, fusion transcript, and fusion protein, functional annotation, and fusion protein sequence.


Transcription factors

Cancer Gene Census

Tumor suppressors

IUPHAR drug targets

Cell metabolism genes

Human essential genes

Epigenetic factors