Fusion gene information
FusionGDB2 ID and fusion genes (new ID system 07/11/2024)
All gene symbol arranged fusion genes
Anticipated loss of major functional domain due to frameshift fusion event
Anticipated partially loss of major functional domain due to inframe fusion event
Anticipated retaining major functional domains of inframe fusion event
Manual curation of PubMed of the fusion genes expressed in more than five samples
Gene assessment score in pan-cancer fusion genes
Open reading frame annotation
ORF analysis result of all fusion genes
Transcribed full-length fusion transcript sequence and translated fusion amino acid sequence sequence (ORFfinder) of in-frame fusion genes)
deepORF training based coding potentials
Retention search of the protein functional features
Protein feature retention analysis result of 5'-genes in all In-frame fusion genes
Protein feature retention analysis result of 3'-genes in all In-frame fusion genes
Fusion sequences
Transcript sequences of the In-frame fusion genes
Fusion amino acid sequence from ORFfinder based on fusion transcript sequence